Head's Welcome
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Badminton School Korea.
As Founding Principal, I am honoured and delighted to represent Badminton School in their exciting new venture here in Siheung. As we start this new journey together, I am filled with excitement about what is to come.
I bring a wealth of senior leadership experience from British and International settings and look forward to making Badminton School Korea a top choice in international education in Korea.
Naturally, our mission is aligned with that of Badminton School U.K. We will be operating with the same high standards and aspiring for the same excellence in our students’ achievements. Students will receive an education steeped in academic challenge and holistic opportunity which will prepare them to take on the challenges of playing an active part in a global society.
At Badminton School, we value intellectual curiosity and promote academic excellence through the rigorous curriculum presentation, relevant and challenging, enquiry based learning and close assessment of students’ skills and knowledge. We also value the growth of the whole child. Students are encouraged to engage in competitive sports, and Arts orientated activities, which work to develop their confidence and self-esteem. Of course, it is important for our students to enjoy their time in school and every opportunity to inject fun into the children’s days is relished. For example, this may include field trips, hands-on classroom activities, house competitions and playground games.
I have a particular passion for establishing the school at the heart of the local community, through partnerships and altruistic endeavours with local groups and orgnaisations. The students are encouraged to see themselves as active participants in their own communities and as givers, not just takers, I would specifically like to thank you for entrusting your child and their education to Badminton School Korea. It is a responsibility that we all at the school take seriously. I believe that a collaborative partnership between home and school is key to the success of the child. I am committed to working closely with families to provide an outstanding education that meets the unique needs of every child. With this in mind, I operate an open-door policy and welcome your thoughts and opinions as to how to improve the school for all stakeholders.
With these strong strategies in place, I believe that Badminton School Korea will quickly become established as one of the leading educational providers in the region and one that I hope we will all be proud to be a part of. Together we can be honest in saying that we give the children the very best opportunity to reach their full potential. Every child has the right to feel proud to say they are a Badmintonian.
Ms Denise Chamberlain,
Head of Prep School